Last Tuesday night was the screening for this semester's student films for the Centre for Arts and Technology at Christopher's Restaurant. It was so much fun. Director's Woes was a success! It out, I think, exactly as Harneet envisioned it. Beautifully lit, filmed and acted there were compliments all around. Even some of the servers, who knew nothing about film thought that it was amazing. I have to admit I hate watching myself on screen, but I was pleasantly surprised, usually I'm watching one of my stage productions, but this time it was an actual film! Very exciting.
After 2 days of filming at CATO in their production studios and learning the work that goes into being a scripted actor on set, I can't imagine doing anything else. I love, love, love it!!!!!! It consists of long hours and a lot of waiting but in the end it's all worth it. New contacts in the industry, new friends and wealth of knowledge that will only benefit you in the future.
Thank you Harneet, for being an amazing director, your movie is going to be hilarious!
Preparing for a film shoot @ CATO tomorrow night. All that's left to do is memorize my lines, which are short but sweet! And try on my outfit, super dark bootcut jeans, a frilly light blue collared shirt, long silver necklace and cream coach flats. I'll let you know how it goes...